October was such a busy little month here!
#1 - The All Blacks won the Rugby World Cup!! (Technically that happened here on November 1st but the actual game was in the UK on October 31st so we will run with that!) Go All Blacks! We made this epic overnight breakfast casserole to celebrate.
Other than that huge excitement we spent a bit of time just hanging out around the house. Lots of time in the garden...it's spring planting time!
And check out our strawberry patch already.
And my garlic is sprouting up
Our chicks hatched...only 7 out of 28 eggs which was terrible!! Anyway the 7 that hatched are very cute...
...well they were. They're kind of going though that awkward teenage stage...not so cute anymore. We've ended up with 3 Rhode Island Reds & 4 Australorps...still unsure on the gender but that will work itself out!
These guys are getting so big.
And it was calving time on the farm...these guys are super cute.
Josh & I had to give this mumma a little assistance. And by assistance I mean we had to pull the calf out. Farm life huh!
We also planted a ton of trees up by the dam on the farm by Josh's maimai. Lots of cover so that the ducks come and hang out on the pond!
Poor Sue wasn't too impressed with having to share the back of the ute...hehe!
I can't believe it's November already...nearly summer and less than 3 months til the wedding now! Eeeek!
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