Well, we are officially into winter now! Here is a little bit of what we got up to in June.
It got cold...we had a few really heavy frosts. I even had icicles on my car window! So pretty.
I went truck driving with this handsome truck driver!
As much as I find it hard to be motivated in the garden in winter I still managed an epic winter harvest!
And planted garlic on the shortest day.
As we are into winter Josh is having to feed silage to the cattle. They love it...as soon as they see the bike they come running!
This is Sue our farm dog...she is extremely camera shy and usually runs away when I pull out the camera. Silly dog! She's cute though huh?!
Josh started building a new chicken coop for the next lot of chicks...
And our last lot of babies finally started laying so we now have eggs coming out our ears!
Including our first BLUE EGGS from the new chooks!
We even managed to sneak away to the beach for a long weekend and a bit of wedding planning....7 months to go!!
I love the beach in winter!
Hope everyone else had a great June and that if you're in the Northern Hemisphere you're making the most of summer! I'm so glad we're past the shortest day here now...the countdown to summer is on!
Malia @ Small Town Girl says
Beautiful pictures! What a lovely spot for a wedding!
Laura says
Thanks Malia! I think so too...I'm pretty excited for February!