February is one of my favourite months. It's by far the best weather wise and everyone is still in that really relaxed, "it's summer!" mood. It's usually a pretty sociable month too which is always fun.
I got to hang out with 2 of my favourite people, Josh & my friend Amy at another friend's wedding, and we crossed off the "1 year til our wedding day" mark on the calendar...YAY! The countdown is on...kind of!
We got to hang out at my favourite beach, that also happens to be the spot for our wedding next summer, with my family who were visiting from the US.
I found a frog in my garden! He was cute. I called him Freddy.
We dug up our potatoes. What I thought was going to be not much at all ended up being just under 5kgs of spuds...not bad for first time potato growers!
And froze about a million beans...we had a bumper crop this year and there are only so many beans you can eat in a few days!
It rained exactly this much...translated, nowhere near enough!
And of course, I graduated from my baby camera to a big girl one
And took a thousand photos of my sister when she came to visit
I seriously can't believe it is March already. Technically that means it's autumn but considering it was 28 degrees today, I beg to differ.
I'm holding onto summer as long as I can!
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