Almost as soon as Macey turned 5 months old, a whole lot of new things started happening so there's lots to update since last month! And yes, she is actually almost 8 months already but I figure as long as I post this, it doesn't matter too much how late it is!

At 5 months she was just starting to roll and we were slowly starting the transition out of her swaddle and bassinet. Pretty much as soon as we got back from being away at the beach over summer, I unwrapped her completely as she really got the hang of rolling. We also moved her right into the cot as I was worried she would start hitting her arms into the sides of the bassinet and wake herself!
As soon as she was unwrapped and in the cot she started sleeping on her tummy! I'm super pleased to say she is still sleeping as well as she was, now she just moves around a lot more in her bed. It's taking me a while to get her to sleep at night - she often fusses when I put her in bed and sometimes needs an extra feed but once she's down she is out for the night so I'm happy to spend a bit more time getting her to sleep to begin with.
We are also in a pretty great routine all of a sudden - she wakes around 7.30am goes down for a nap about 9.30am for a couple of hours, another nap at 1/1.30pm and then the last one at about 4.30/5pm before bed between 7.30pm and 8pm. Pretty great if you ask me!
At 5 ½ months she also cut her first 2 teeth - the bottom two. Just like with Sadie she was slightly unsettled one night, I thought nothing of it and then Josh went in, came out and announced that she had cut 2 teeth! Typical! She handled it pretty well and was just a bit fussy for a couple of nights. Not bad at all!
Because of how much she is rolling and starting to try and push herself along the floor I know our days of her being in the same spot we left her are numbered, so I'm enjoying every last minute of this stage! But as always, moving means we enter into another new and exciting stage and I love it!
She is a super happy and content baby but you still have to work for smiles from her - unless you are Sadie who she is just obsessed with! She seems to warm up more as the day goes on and I usually get the best giggles and squeals out of her right before she goes to bed at night...perfect winding down!
Macey continues to be the sweetest, most chilled out baby I know and we are loving every day with her!
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