We are officially over halfway through winter!!! Thank goodness - I am already dreaming of sunny days, summery cocktails and jandals.
July was COLD!! We had some of the heaviest frosts I've seen.
But there is nothing better on a cold morning that collecting warm eggs! The chickens have taken to escaping from the paddock when their feeder is empty - turns out they know where we keep the food too. And who said chickens were stupid?!
Josh was busy working a lot over the weekends but we had a couple of really nice days to go up the farm.
One of these things is not like the other one!
He did a lot of building - we have a brand new chicken coop for when we get some more babies in spring/is currently being used as the isolation coop for a broody hen!
And started to build a set of yards for our paddock so that when we move sheep out of the paddock we can load them easily as opposed to chasing them around trying to catch them for an hour...not speaking from experience...;)
And the best part of the month...my baby sister got home from her year living in France!! We were kind of A LOT excited about that!
Waiting, waiting, waiting...
She's here!
Although I'm trying not to wish the year away (even though I can't WAIT for February) I'm pretty happy we are through the worst of winter.
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