And just like that, Macey has been in our family for a whole year!! And what a wonderful year it has been with her.
To my total surprise and excitement, Macey's first word was "Mum" or mamamamamama! She has started getting really chatty and babbles all the time now. She is also making lots of other sounds - Dad, moo and bok bok for the chickens. She will even say ta and pass you something now which is a fun game for her.
Between 10 and 11 months Macey started pulling herself up to standing and getting up and rocking on her hands and knees. Finally at 11 months old she started crawling properly! This girl runs on her own timeline, is in no hurry for anything (except food) and I love it! She is showing no signs of walking anytime soon but is getting stronger on her feet and prefers to be standing.
Like she has for her whole life, Macey still loves the front pack. She gets so excited when she sees me putting it on, and she kicks her legs with excitement when she gets in. She loves going up the farm and being outside which makes me so happy!
Macey loves being outside, Sage, food, cuddles but more than anything in the world, she loves Sadie!! There is nothing that makes me happier than watching the two of them interact. Sadie can do almost anything and it makes Macey laugh which is just the sweetest thing!
She waves, blows kisses (before bed!) and is just a generally sweet girl. She is so peaceful, loving, happy and is just a joy to be around.
Happy 1st Birthday Macey! This last year with you has been so much fun. We love you so much and can't wait to see what the next year has in store for you!!
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